Enabling Pastoralist to Thrive: CARE Resilient Pastoralist Livelihoods Framework
The CARE Resilient Pastoral Livelihoods Framework sets out a vision and model to support further impact and innovation within CARE’s approach to pastoral livelihoods in East Africa and the Sahel, including the Horn of Africa.
The CARE Resilient Pastoral Livelihoods Framework builds on CARE’s 2015 pastoral causal model, seeking to consider both the shifting contexts and challenges for pastoral communities as well as evolving program best practice and donor priorities. This framework centers the lived experience of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists within those communities, and their right to a secure livelihood and informed decision-making.
This document provides CARE and partner staff with a theoretical multi-sectoral framework useful for program design and proposal development, as well as in the delivery of programing on pastoralism in East Africa and the Sahel. It provides a broader approach relevant to the contexts where CARE undertakes pastoralist work, articulating commonly understood barriers and opportunities, that can be adapted by CARE offices and colleagues to support their local specificities and realities.