Findings from Community Adaptation Action Planning in Embu County, Kenya
Community Adaptation Action Planning in Embu County, Kenya
Findings on vulnerability to climate change and community adaptation action planning in Embu, Kenya 2015-2016
This document has additional learning points relating to the practical facilitation of community adaptation action planning (CAAPs) and outlines findings on climate change vulnerability and community adaptation action planning in Iria-Itune, Kamarandi, Mutwabare and Ntharawe communities, Mbeere North and South, Embu, Kenya from 2015-2016.
The Adaptation Learning Program’s (ALP) approach to CBA in the four communities has focused, to a large extent, on Community Adaptation Action Planning, which entails a situational analysis process called “Gender-Sensitive Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment” (GCVCA) as well as a process to design the CAAPs themselves. ALP’s wider effort to strengthen community capacity to adapt to the above climatic and environmental changes includes other steps toward increased local, institutional and government capacity to support communities in the face of climate change. This publication presents a brief overview of the process. It is followed by the conclusions drawn from the GCVCA exercises and the outcomes of the Community Adaptation Action Planning exercises conducted in the four communities.