Malawi faces many challenges in moving beyond chronic food and nutrition insecurity due to increasing adverse impacts of climate change exacerbated by high population density, HIV/AIDS, degraded soil fertility, coupled with poor access to national and international agriculture markers.

CARE Malawi is working with farmers to increase the productivity and profitability of their crops, and assisting them with improved climate resilient agricultural techniques and practices. CARE is promoting nutrition education and counseling to enhance access and utilization of available food to respond to the nutrition needs of women of reproductive age, primary school pupils and children under the age of five. CARE is working with farmers to cultivate highly nutritious crops, including soybean, beans, ground nuts and sorghum.

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CARE Malawi Program Overview

CARE Malawi is working with national alliances such as Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC), Civil Society Organizations Nutrition Alliance (CSONA) and Civil Society Agriculture Network (CISANET) and the national climate smart agriculture alliance to influence government policy and practice on nutrition, climate change and agriculture investment.