Niger Climate Information Services Country Report
Niger Country Report
Impact assessment on climate information services for community-based adaptation to climate change
Initially introduced by ALP in partnership with Niger Meteorological Services (DNM), Participatory Scenario Planning (PSPs) have since been adopted by other initiatives and institutions in Niger.
In 2016, a regional impact assessment was commissioned by CARE focusing on the ALP approach to CIS in addressing climate change adaptation across Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Niger and Malawi. The objective of this assessment was to investigate the contribution of community-based CIS to CBA. A particular focus of the assessment is on the PSP process as an innovative and replicable approach for communicating climate information and building networks for adaptation.
Where applicable, the assessment analyze the contribution of rain gauges to community and farmer decision-making. Specifically, the assessment develops a better understanding of the use and impact of CIS in various contexts and, using lessons learned, strengthen future replication and upscaling of the ALP approach. This country brief illustrates the results from the assessment in Niger.