The Climate Learning and Advocacy for Resilience (CLAR) program aims to strengthen learning, evidence, and knowledge brokering among programs and policy processes that are integrating climate resilience. To do this, CLAR works with a range of partners in Chad, Ghana, Mali, Niger (West Africa); Ethiopia, Mozambique, Tanzania and Uganda (East and Southern Africa); and Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal and Vietnam (Asia). The CLAR program builds on CARE’s Southern Voices and Adaptation Learning Programs.

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Climate Learning & Advocacy for Resilience (CLAR) Program Factsheet

CLAR aims to contribute to the global agenda on climate resilience in practice and policy by: developing new learning and evidence from vulnerable contexts; influencing adaptation finance and National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes; and facilitating multi-stakeholder learning, both within and beyond CARE programmes.

CLAR’s Main Objectives:

Implementation & Evidence

Supporting programmes to demonstrate good practice, innovation and impact in climate resilience and generate new evidence and learning.

Civil Society Advocacy & Community of Practice

Improving the capacity of civil society networks and help them to influence policies on climate change adaptation and finance by fostering a community of practice

Knowledge Brokering & Learning

Facilitating and enhancing capacity for climate knowledge brokering for learning and coordination across multiple sectors, disciplines and levels, including South-South exchange.

CLAR’s publications and activities: