Southern Voices on Adaptation
Strengthening southern voices in advocating climate policies that benefit poor and vulnerable people
The Southern Voices on Adaptation is part of a longer-term programme supporting southern civil society organisations in climate change policy advocacy. The programme began around COP15 with an initial focus on strengthening southern civil society’s role at international climate negotiations and concluded in 2018. The development of the programme eventually encompassed all levels of policy advocacy, finally arriving with a greater emphasis on the national level.
In the two initial phases, the project was supported through DANIDA and implemented through the Climate Capacity Consortium comprising of The Danish 92 Group, CARE Danmark, DanChurchAid, IBISOxfam, Sustainable Energy, CAN International, and IIED.
From 2014-onward the project has enjoyed continued support through DANIDA, while being part of a consortium that includes DanChurchAid and IBISOxfam, with CARE Danmark acting as the lead organization and hosting the secretariat in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Who We Are
The Southern Voices is a coalition of climate networks and 14 partners in the Global South, supported by a Consortium of Danish development NGOs, all engaged in promoting pro-poor climate policies locally and globally.
The project is coordinated through three regional facilitators based with southern partner NGOs, in addition to the Secretariat in Copenhagen, which is hosted by CARE Danmark.
What We Do
The Southern Voices on Adaptation project was initiated in 2014 to support partner networks engaged in climate change adaptation policy advocacy from Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The project has since developed the Joint Principles for Adaptation as a benchmark for good adaptation policy and has been testing them in countries throughout the Global South.
The Southern Voices programme dates back to COP15, where it was created to support southern civil society organisations in advocating for climate change policies, both nationally and globally, that benefit poor and vulnerable people.
The Danish development NGOs behind the program have provided capacity-building and flexible support to southern climate policy networks, with funding from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Southern Voices Website