November 6 to 17, 2017

Today, climate change is causing harm and damage, notably amongst the poorest people and nations on this planet who have contributed the least. Increasing resilience and tackling the causes and consequences of climate change is at the heart of CARE’s mission and is essential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular on gender equality and the eradication of poverty. Governments, businesses, civil society and other relevant stakeholders need to ramp up action to ensure the world rapidly shifts to zero emission and climate-resilient development pathways in order to achieve the agreed goals of the Paris Agreement (PA). Increasing the protection of the poorest and most vulnerable and cutting emissions to limit the rate of climate change are two sides of the same coin:

CARE called for COP23 to advance and initiate concrete climate action wherever possible, based on principles of human rights and equity, and achieve key progress in the government’s’ negotiations over the Paris Agreement’s concrete modalities. CARE also advocated for an impetus for further dialogue and increased country ambition in terms of greenhouse gas emissions reduction and support to vulnerable populations by accelerating action under the Marrakesh Partnership for Global Climate Action, and other initiatives.


CARE’s publications on our positions on climate change and COP23. Click the titles to read our work.

CARE’s Recommendations for COP23
Five steps to address climate change and to increase the resilience of the most vulnerable:

Delivering on the Paris Promise: Combating Climate Change and Protecting Rights
This report focuses on recommendations for the negotiations of the Paris Rule Book.

Milestones Towards Pro-Poor Adaptation: Civil society achievements in promoting effective and equitable adaptation to climate change
Southern Voices for Adaptation members share their considerable progress in reaching milestones and policy changes everywhere – see back page for a list of SVA partner members by country.

Adaptation Communications under Article 7 of the Paris Agreement: What should they include and why are they important for informing climate action?
Southern Voices for Adaptation, a coalition of civil society organizations from Asia, Africa and Latin America, have developed a benchmark for effective and equitable national adaptation frameworks known as the Joint Principles for Adaptation.


Read CARE’s press releases on our actions and report launches at COP23

CARE’s press conferences and actions at COP23 help reporters and journalists understand what can be a confusing and overwhelming process.

Agreements at UN climate talks fall behind vulnerable countries’ call to action
COP23 closing press release

CARE signs onto InsuResilience Global Partnership, but pushes for focus beyond insurance for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable
CARE International endorsed the Joint Statement on the InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP), but has reservations about the future direction of the Partnership.

Climate heroines: Strong women counter doomsday scenarios
CARE International “Climate Heroines” exhibition, launched during COP23, features twelve women around the world who stand up for climate protection with extraordinary commitment.

UN climate change talks struggle to deliver strong action on loss and damage
On the 4th anniversary of the devastating typhoon Haiyan which struck the Philippines in 2013, CARE, WWF and ActionAid demand that COP23 follow through on leaders’ promises in the Paris Agreement to protect people, their livelihoods and ecosystems from increasingly severe climate impacts

COP23 Opening Press Release: Time to put the most affected women and girls at the heart of UN climate talks

Climate Heroines

Click here to read about the Climate Heroines

laif core/Christian Berg

I know what it feels like to suffer from hunger.” Kien Quang Thi from Vietnam experienced many failed harvests. Now, she is on the forefront of fighting climate change and one of twelve strong women portrayed in a very special photo exhibition.

About the exhibition: CARE International supports communities to adapt to climate change and fight for climate justice. Women are at the centre of our work. They are most affected but also strong leaders in bringing about change.

In cooperation with the renowned photography agency Laif Core, CARE’s Climate Heroines exhibition features women from 12 countries including the former and current Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, Ms. Christiana Figueres and Ms. Patricia Espinosa.