Planning for Resilience: A Practitioners Manual
A Practitioner’s Manual to Support Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change.
Communities in Vietnam are already confronted with climate change and its adverse impacts on their lives and livelihoods. Autonomously and together with local authorities, they proactively deal with the challenge by taking action. It is important however that these actions are informed by the latest climate information, local adaptation knowledge and best practice. CARE’s Community Based Adaptation (CBA) approach supports communities and local authorities understanding the challenges they face and taking informed and appropriate actions that result in climate resilient development.
The specific objectives of this manual are:
» To provide clear and detailed step-by-step guidance on how to undertake participatory gender responsive community based adaptation planning.
» To provide a range of up-to-date participatory tools and resources that will help in conducting the CBA planning process.
Planning for Resilience
A Practitioners Manual To Support Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change
Planning is an essential element of CBA and involves analyzing information, identifying and prioritizing action to enable managing the risks and uncertainties associated with a changing climate. A collaboration of efforts is required to ensure ongoing and complementary analysis and action at individual, household, community and societal level. CBA planning provides a forum and opportunity for multi-stakeholder learning and dialogue and building strong partnerships. It also intends to influence local development plans and aims for sustainability and replication through government ownership.
In order for the CBA planning to work and make a lasting impact it is essential to invest in strengthening the capacity of key stakeholders and ground the CBA planning methodology in local development planning processes and practice. This manual therefore builds strongly on Government of Vietnam policies and guidelines on community based disaster risk management (CBDRM), climate change and socio-economic development planning (SEDP). However, with necessary adjustment, it is applicable to other country contexts.
The CBA planning methodology and manual aims to bring together CBA and CBDRM approaches and methodologies successfully demonstrated by CARE, other INGOs and the Government of Vietnam such as Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA); the Visioning Approach; Community Based Disaster Risk Assessment (CBDRA); Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation; and the Climate Change Adaptation Prioritization Framework (APRF). This manual does not intend to replace these but harmonize them in a consistent and easy-to-understand process for local authorities and practitioners to apply.