December 2 to 15, 2018

Today, climate change is causing harm and damage, notably amongst the poorest people and nations on this planet who have contributed the least. Increasing resilience and tackling the causes and consequences of climate change is at the heart of CARE’s mission and is essential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular on gender equality and the eradication of poverty. Governments, businesses, civil society and other relevant stakeholders need to ramp up action to ensure the world rapidly shifts to zero emission and climate-resilient development pathways in order to achieve the agreed goals of the Paris Agreement (PA).


CARE’s Key Demands for COP24 [French Version]

CARE’s key demands for COP24 negotiations towards enhanced action for poverty-free, climate-resilient and zero-carbon sustainable development

  1. Emission Reductions: Countries should agree to revise their national climate plans (NDCs) by 2020 at the latest so that they close the gap towards achieving the 1.5°C limit.
  2. Climate Finance: Developed countries need to provide concrete plans for scaling-up their climate finance to 100 bn per year by 2020, with a 50/50 share between mitigation and adaptation, including signals for a strong Green Climate Fund (GCF) replenishment. COP24 should adopt strong rules for projecting and reporting climate finance.
  3. Adaptation: Guidelines for the Adaptation Communications should promote an integrated approach to adaptation which also reduces gender inequality and promotes human rights. A process to operationalise the Global Adaptation Goal also should be launched.
  4. Loss and Damage: Countries should agree to integrate loss and damage in the Paris Rulebook and Global Stocktake, support the recommendations on climate change displacement, and mandate that the Warsaw International Mechanism assesses new sources of finance and strengthens gender aspects across its work.
  5. Agriculture: Parties must explore modalities for the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) that inform and enable action, build adaptive capacity and resilience, contribute to the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement, and advance the principles of the Paris Agreement.
  6. Gender & Human Rights: To ensure meaningful climate action, aligned with existing human rights’ commitments, Parties must call for the inclusion of human rights and gender equality across the Paris Rulebook negotiations, in particular in the NDC guidance, Transparency Framework and the Global Stocktake, and ensure further implementation of the Gender Action Plan.


Read CARE’s news releases on our actions and report launches at COP24

CARE’s press conferences and actions at COP24 help reporters and journalists understand what can be a confusing and overwhelming process.

Big polluters fall short at COP24 despite leadership of the most vulnerable
CARE’s COP24 closing press release. CARE states that the outcome was not enough to address the climate emergency, governments must now step up nationally

Final call for action: Governments must address climate emergency and strengthen COP24 package with higher ambition in emission cuts, finance, and human rights [French]
On the final day of COP24, rich countries must not be deaf to the alarm bells on human rights, finance, ambition, and loss and damage.

Parties ignore human rights from the implementation of Paris Agreement
CARE, CIEL, and the United Nations call for human rights to be included in the Paris Rulebook and upheld in all action to address the humanitarian crisis of today: climate change

Fate of humanity weighing heavy on ministerial shoulders at UN Climate Change Conference
CARE and Oxfam comment on the need for ministers to rapidly ramp up climate ambition

Canada’s climate plan must not forget poorest, most vulnerable: Developing countries already at risk need ambitious support package

Time is up: Countries at COP24 must urgently step up action to address the climate crisis as the most vulnerable suffer from its escalating impacts
COP24 Opening Press Release

Bonn Climate Change Conference 2019


Transforming Food Systems Under Climate Change
Feeding and nourishing a growing and changing global population in the face of rising numbers of chronically hungry people, slow progress on malnutrition, environmental degradation, systemic inequality, and the dire projections of climate change, demands a transformation in global food systems. Policy change at multiple levels is critical for catalyzing an inclusive and sustainable transformation in food systems; global and regional policy are transformative only insofar as they are translated into ambitious national action with adequate support, including both public and private investment.

Press Releases

After UN Climate Talks, Government Leaders Must Move From Talk to Emergency Action
Closing Press Release

Governments Must Translate Public Pressure into Ambitious Action to Tackle Climate Emergency Now
Opening Press Release