Food and Nutrition Security and Climate Change Resilience
Food and Nutrition and Climate Change Resilience
CARE’s Top Learning 2017
This document outlines CARE’s top learnings on food and nutrition security and climate change resilience in 2017. CARE’s Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) Theory of Change, guides our work to increase food & nutrition security and resilience to climate change for 50 million people by 2020. CARE’s key approaches of governance, gender equality, and resilience are at the centre of our food and nutrition security and our climate change and natural resource programs, and in all of our advocacy and influencing efforts, across four technical pathways: sustainable agricultural systems, sustainable economies, nutrition, and humanitarian food & nutrition security. In all our FNS work, we seek to build SuPER food systems: that are Sustainable, Productive & profitable, Equitable, and Resilient.
In this document, CARE outlines five key recommendations for how to have more effective programs at scale:
- Develop measurement systems
- Give nutrition a nudge
- Address climate change
- Provide a range of options
- Build crisis modifiers