Negotiations on loss and damage and gender in critical condition

11 December 2019 [Madrid] – CARE makes demands for the final days of COP25 as negotiations head towards outcomes inadequate to address the climate emergency. 

The world’s most vulnerable people – those on the front lines of the climate crisis – are relying on  world leaders at COP25 to mobilize new and additional finance to protect them from the loss and damage caused by the climate crisis. CARE calls on the EU, Canada, Norway, and others to stand by the vulnerable and resist pressure by those seeking to obstruct the prospect of support, such as the United States.

Sven Harmeling, CARE’s Global Policy Lead on Climate Change and Resilience

It is irrefutable that gender justice is fundamental to addressing the climate emergency. A watered down or nonexistent gender action plan would severely cripple global action on climate change. Bold international leadership is needed in these final days of COP25 to ensure gender justice is put at the centre of  our collective response to the climate crisis. CARE also calls on the UK COP26 presidency to demonstrate its commitment to these principles within the UNFCCC system by nominating a Gender Champion to make gender an inalienable standard, both in technical negotiations and action on the ground.

Inge Vianen, Global Leader of CARE’s Climate Change and Resilience Platform