CARE urges governments to step up finance and deliver on the Paris Agreement to protect the most vulnerable.

Bonn, Germany. At the closing of the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference, the world needs strong leadership to ensure progress at the next climate summit, COP24 in Katowice, Poland.

“Despite some technical progress in Bonn, climate change impacts will not wait for slow-paced government negotiations. Without stronger political leadership, it will be an uphill battle to achieve the major milestones envisaged for COP24 in Katowice, Poland, particularly on the Paris Rulebook. Countries with high CO2 emissions need to undertake additional measures to reverse continued emissions’ growth and limit climate disruption to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal.”

Sven Harmeling, Global Lead on Climate Change Advocacy, CARE International

“Immediate climate action is needed as small-scale food producers, particularly women, are already facing climate impacts like changing rainfall patterns, shifting seasons, and extreme weather. CARE welcomes the new Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture roadmap and Parties’ call to consider gender in their work ahead. We expect Parties to come to COP24 ready to agree on the outcomes they will deliver to catalyze action to safeguard food security and empower small-scale food producers facing climate impacts.”

Tonya Rawe, Global Policy Lead for Food and Nutrition Security, CARE US

“It was very disappointing that the rich country governments quasi-boycotted the dialogue here in Bonn on climate disasters. One poor and vulnerable country after another reported that they are being hit by stronger hurricanes, more floods, or more droughts. They explained how they are trying to minimize damage from the disasters, but that they need help. The appeal did not lead to any reaction. The rich countries, which have a huge responsibility because of their CO2 emissions, simply failed to engage in the debate – apart from a few interventions from Germany and the UK. This kind of behavior must be changed in the further negotiations and for finding solutions which help those most affected.”

John Nordbo, Head of Climate Advocacy, CARE Denmark