Thursday 25 February, The Hague, Netherlands – On Wednesday February 24th, the European Commission released its new EU Climate Adaptation Strategy to compliment the EU 2050 Vision to become the first carbon-neutral continent.

In response to the release of the new strategy, Celine Mias, CARE’s EU Representative and Head of Office, said:

“CARE International welcomes the international dimension of the new EU Climate Adaptation Strategy. This strategy recognizes the need to scale-up adaptation finance for vulnerable developing countries, and clearly demonstrates the leadership role the European Union is willing to take as we rise to the dual challenges of adaptation and mitigation, both within the EU and beyond its borders. 

What the new strategy lacks however is a concrete pathway forward to significantly increase financing for the vulnerable communities most impacted by our changing climate. By the EU’s own admission, globally around 93% of public and private sector finance for climate action flows to mitigation. There is an urgent need for this imbalance to be fixed. We expect the programming process of the next EU external financing instrument to explicitly address raising funding for adaptation initiatives.”

Sven Harmeling, Global Policy Lead for Climate Change and Resilience at CARE International, said:

“Adaptation is not just about disaster risk reduction and managing climate risks, it is about equality and people’s livelihoods. This strategy is admirably proactive, but sustainable, transformative adaptation must have a people-centered approach and aim to right the systemic wrongs that have contributed to our current climate crisis.

Inside the European Union and all over the world people are developing projects and initiatives that close the knowledge gap on climate risks, prioritize gender-transformative action and contribute to the design and implementation of better climate policies. What is needed is a clearer action plan on supporting locally-led community-based adaptation, drawing on the deep experience of local communities and civil society organizations. Communities can be key partners in building a climate resilient society and this EU vision is weak on the role they can play and their co-design potential.”


Contact: Juliet Perry, Global Communications Lead on Climate Change, CARE International:, +31615574513