Countries that have been historically, and are currently, most responsible for climate change have the moral obligation to scale up financial and technical support to poor countries suffering its impacts. A strong focus must be set on enhancing pre-2020 action. Positively, there are many signs of dynamic change in business and society, regarding the dissemination of renewable energies, phase-down of coal power plants, divestment from fossil fuels, and investments into building adaptive capacity and climate resilience. Governments must seize the opportunity to leverage these and accelerate their pace to match the challenge, and stop taking measures which fundamentally contradict the goals of the Paris Agreement.

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Recommendations for COP22

Turning the Paris Signal of Hope into Meaningful Actions for the Most Vulnerable

Against this background, this paper provides recommendations by CARE in five issues of particular concern, organized by different negotiation streams and items:

  1. Take concrete steps to limit warming to 1.5C
  2. Scale-up good adaptation action and support for the most vulnerable
  3. Strengthen action on loss and damage from climate impacts
  4. Promote food and nutrition security in climate action
  5. Ensure gender-equitable and rights-based approaches in climate action