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CARE 2020 Program Strategy

Working for Poverty Reduction and Social Justice

This program strategy takes shape in a period of tremendous change in the world and within CARE. We are witnessing significant shifts in the patterns of poverty and inequality. In spite of global progress in reducing absolute poverty, wide gaps persist between and within countries.

CARE’s vision is of a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and all people live in dignity and security. Based on 70 years of experience in poverty – fighting and humanitarian action, the CARE 2020 Program Strategy describes the changes in the world we want to see and our role in bringing about those changes. The purpose of the strategy is to focus our programs to clarify – both internally and externally – how we will contribute to eliminating poverty and social injustice. This strategy is part of a broader transformational change process in CARE, where all parts of the organization are expected to prioritize programs and investments in line with this strategy, including focusing our resources, capacities and experience for maximizing impact.