December 2 to 13, 2019 in Madrid, Spain
The 25th Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP25) took place from 2-13 December in Madrid, Spain. COP25 followed shortly after the UN Climate Action Summit and was the last big conference before COP26 in which Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) must be enhanced to prevent a rise above 1.5C.
Continuing its engagement in recent years, including at the Paris Summit, COP23, the G7, Global Climate Action Summit, and more, CARE was present at COP25 with an international delegation.
Despite some constructive commitments to climate action, the recent UN Climate Action Summit was largely a missed opportunity by too many governments who have yet to demonstrate their readiness to do their part. COP25 will not be able to entirely fill the action gap, but must advance on specific areas of concern at this pivotal time in global climate policy and action. This publication outlines CARE’s key demands for COP25 on:
- AMBITION – Commit to submitting enhanced national climate plans (NDCs) by 2020 that support progress towards the 1.5°C limit, and which boost gender-responsive climate action.
- FINANCE – Developed countries, in particular, must significantly increase finance for gender-just climate resilience measures, including by a) funding the Loss and Damage mechanism with additional finance from innovative sources; b) pledging additional resources to the Green Climate Fund; c) committing at least 50% of international climate finance towards principal purpose adaptation initiatives aimed at addressing the needs of vulnerable people and countries; and d) committing at least 85% of their adaptation finance towards projects supporting gender equality outcomes.
- GENDER – Approve a strengthened UNFCCC Gender Action Framework with a comprehensive 5-year Gender Action Plan at its core.
- AGRICULTURE – Agree on deliverables under the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture which result in demonstrable, scaled up, early action for sustainable, gender-equitable and resilient action.
Read CARE’s news releases on our actions and report launches at COP25
CARE’s press conferences and actions at COP25 help reporters and journalists understand what can be a confusing and overwhelming process.
Governments Must Tackle Climate Damages and Gender Injustice, says CARE on UN Climate Conference
CARE’s COP25 opening press release
COP25 at Risk
CARE makes demands for the final days of COP25 as negotiations head towards outcomes inadequate to address the climate emergency.
Governments Ignore Global Outcry for Climate Justice at COP25
CARE’s COP25 closing press release