In light of the unfolding climate crisis, the losses and damages, and costs of responding to disasters will continue to increase and force countries to frequently divert longer-term development finance into short-term response measures. Hence, there is a need to shift from reactive crisis management to investing in prevention, early preparedness, and action. 

Climate and disaster risk finance and insurance (CDRFI) solutions, when used as part of a comprehensive disaster risk management approach, can enable more resilient economic development and help protect lives, livelihoods, businesses, infrastructure, and public finances by strengthening disaster preparedness, rapid response, and recovery. But CDRFI mechanisms are also a complex area. These include, for example, climate insurance in the agricultural sector, country risk pools, social security systems, new forecast-based finance approaches, etc. From a civil society perspective, it is critical that such solutions reflect a pro-poor, gender-responsive and human rights-based approach.

With financial support from the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), a consortium of civil society organisations led by CARE (Germany) is implementing activities towards setting up Multi-actor-partnerships on Climate and Disaster Risk Finance in the context of the InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP):

  • The 1st phase took place from November 2019 to October 2022, which already resulted in comprehensive agenda-setting, capacity building, and the setting-up or preparation of formalised multi-actor partnerships involving governments, the private sector, academia, and civil society.
  • A 2nd phase started in April 2023 and seeks to further consolidate and expand the in-country, regional and global partnerships, to further strengthen local civil society engagement and explore pilot approaches, with activities planned until early 2026.

Key achievements in the first phase include 

  • Multi-Actor Partnerships (MAPs) on CDRFI prepared or established in 7 countries/regions
  • More than 10,000 persons participated in CDRFI capacity-strengthening activities
  • Civil society influence in the InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP) was strengthened
  • The consortium contributed actively to the formation of the IGP Centre of Excellence on Gender 
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InsuResilience MAPs Project Summary

Virtual conference “Advancing pro-poor and gender-just climate and disaster risk finance in the era of loss and damage”

From 13 to 22 September 2022, the project consortium organised a virtual conference on “Advancing pro-poor and gender-just climate and disaster risk finance in the era of loss and damage”. Across 9 virtual sessions, project partners from various countries shared experience and findings, together with various other experts, on issues such as the global CDRFI architecture, the UNFCCC, gender considerations, private sector perspectives, knowledge sharing tools and regional experiences in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. Conference website hosted by the project partner ICSC

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Conference proceedings including graphical recordings of each session

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MAPs on CDRFI_results_summary_082022

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CARE CDRFI gender food sector

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2023 Overview of the IGP2 Project