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Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) Process for Climate Change Analysis and Adaptation Action Planning

GRAD Learning Brief #2

The principle of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’ recognizes that different countries have different priorities in responding to the global challenge of climate change. For Ethiopia, where the impacts of climate change have significant, impacts on efforts to promote poverty reduction and sustainable development, adaptation is the priority. GRAD households are food insecure and highly vulnerable to climate-related shocks and stresses. Climate change represents a significant threat to their ability to move out of poverty and graduate from PSNP. For these households, adaptation is the priority, and consequently GRAD is supporting actions that build their resilience to climatic shocks while also improving their capacity to adapt to longer-term changes in climate.

GRAD Project Brief

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Recognizing the importance of resilience for food security and sustainable livelihoods, promoting CCA is an essential part of the GRAD strategy. To better understand the needs and priorities related to climate change in its target communities, GRAD adapted the Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) methodology for participatory analysis of climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity in project woredas (districts). This analysis provided important learning for the project but, more importantly, served as a participatory tool that helped local institutions, communities and households better understand the nature of changing climate in their areas and helped with planning for appropriate adaptations.