CARE’s Resilience Marker
CARE’s Resilience Marker is a tool that allows teams to self-assess how well resilience has been integrated into their work.
It supports CARE members, affiliates, country offices, and partners with assessing projects, programmes and the overall portfolio. This process encourages engagement and learning, in particular about ways in which we can improve and support the effective integration of resilience into all our programming in accordance with contextual constraints and opportunities.
This Resilience Marker is not a top-down judgment tool for projects or programmes. Rather, it should be considered as a bottom-up opportunity to reflect and learn about how we can integrate resilience into an intervention in the most appropriate way for the context and type of development or humanitarian programming.
Resilience Marker Guidance Note
The Resilience Marker Guidance Note provides a theoretical background on resilience, the marker, and the scoring. It provides a step by step guidance, with detailed examples, on how to fill out the Vetting Form.
Resilience Marker Guidance Note
Resilience Marker Vetting Form
The Resilience Marker Vetting Form is the actual vetting form to be used for scoring programs and projects. With simple steps, it helps the reader to score their project along CAREs resilience continuum and provides space for feedback and sharing of learnings.
Resilience Marker Vetting Form
Applying the Resilience Marker
Case Study – Applying the Resilience Marker applied to a health-related project
This short document – a joint work of CARE Sierra Leone and CARE’s Climate Change and Resilience Platform – is an illustration of the responses given to the CARE Resilience Marker vetting form for the HIV and AIDS Prevention Programme and Women Empowerment (HAPP IV) project. It also provides suggestions on how to improve the HAPP IV’s marker score and thus increase the integration of resilience into this project.
Frequently asked questions
This document will give you detailed answers to frequently asked questions about when and how to use the Resilience Marker.
Online course
CARE developed an online course available in English and French on its Increasing Resilience Approach and Marker. Taking the various lessons within this course will help you to understand :
- What CARE means by increasing resilience
- What elements need to be integrated in a project to support resilience building
- How to assess the level of resilience integration in a project (through the Resilience Marker) and how to improve it
Training Materials
Resilience Marker Training Module
You can download here the editable powerpoint to organize a 1-hour session on the Resilience Marker.
For more information, please contact: